
Air Quality Sensor Pack (Temperature/Humidity, Pressure & Air Quality Sensors)

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Air Quality Sensor Pack (Temperature/Humidity, Pressure & Air Quality Sensors)
Product Details
Weight: 0.10 kg

Add Air Quality Sensors to your wireless HMI , ProdBoard or Pi Switch Cap. These are high quality weather sensors using i2c communications interface. These are the same sensors as included in our IOT Weather Kit for Pi


• Pressure range: 300 ... 1100hPa (+9000m ... -500m relating to sea level)
• Fully Calibrated
  • SENSIRION SHT31 Humidity and Temperature Sensor - Data Sheet
•Typical accuracy of +/- 2%RH and +/- 0.3°C
•Fully Calibrated
  • AMS CCS811 Air quality Sensor - Data Sheet
    • Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) sensing from 0 to 1,187 parts per billion
    • eCO2 sensing from 400 to 8,192 parts per million
    • Integrated MCU Onboard Processing
    • Standard I2C Digital Interface
  • 3 x 4-pin headers
Arduino Info
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Our Sample Projects with code:

  1. Multi-Location Weather Station
  2. Build a weather station with display in 45min
Raspberry Pi Info
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