Nanomesher Hackable Pi Switch Cap
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"The Raspberry Pi has been out for six years and three months and we can finally say that the perfect on/off switch add-on for it has now been created." - Rob Zwetsloot , Features Editor, MagPi Issue 70
Previously named Raspberry Pi Switch HAT during the successful Kickstarter Campaign , this is a huge improvements over our Hackable Pi Switch with Kodi support, optional display, LED, Infrared control and i2c ports.
Hackable Pi Switch Cap Features
Original Features:
- Fully assembled ready to use
- Single button or Infrared (IR) remote On / Off operation
- Gracefully turn off Pi by triggering system shutdown, wait for system to be fully halted and cuts power
- Onboard Attiny85 Microprocessor can be removed and reprogrammed if needed
- Open Source for both Attiny software and Shutdown Script , which means you can adopt other remote controls.
- Raspberry Pi is not Included
New Features for Pi Switch Cap:
- Confirmed to work with latest Pi 3 B+ as well as older Raspberry Pis
- Directly plug onto the Pi. No jumper cable needed
- Infrared Remote signals of all buttons can be read from Pi. It's LIRC compatible which means you can adopt other remote controls.
- Kodi Control support!
- 1 x LED controllable via GPIO
- 3 x i2c ports
- Optional 0.96" OLED Display (Resolution 128x64)
- Optional highly precised SENSIRION SHT31 temperature/humidity and BOSCH BMP180 pressure sensors (Weather Pack)
- Works with all Raspberry Pi with 40pin GPIO connector including Pi 3B, Pi 3B+ and Pi 4 and many more
- Choice between generic and multimedia Infrared Remote. Can also be purchased separately.
Generic Remote | Multimedia Remote (Kodi Supported) |
Optional Display & Weather Pack turns your Pi into a Weather Station in minutes
Kodi Demo Video
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