
NanoSTEM IOT Weather Kit for Raspberry Pi - Advanced

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NanoSTEM IOT Weather Kit for Raspberry Pi - Advanced
Product Details
Weight: 0.50 kg

Learn how to program with python and interact with different sensors with this Kit. The kit contains all the necessary hardware and software to build your own indoor Air quality monitor with Carbon Dioxide, Total Volatile Organic Compounds, Pressure , Humidity and Temperature readings. Moreover, you will learn about all the basics of Raspberry Pi & Python programming

Kit Content

  • Nanomesher ProdBoard – add-on board for Raspberry Pi
  • Weather Sensors
    • Bosch BMP180 Pressure Sensor
      • Pressure range: 300 … 1100hPa (+9000m … -500m relating to sea level)
      • Fully Calibrated
    • Sensirion SHT31 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
      • Typical accuracy of +/- 2%RH and +/- 0.3°C
      • Fully Calibrated
    • AMS CCS811 Air quality Sensor
      • Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) sensing from 0 to 1,187 parts per billion
      • eCO2 sensing from 400 to 8,192 parts per million
      • Integrated MCU Onboard Processing
  • 16GB microsd card – for running your operating system and software
  • Optional 3D Printer Case. You may print your own by using this stl file
  • Optional Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and Power Adaptor
  • Source code on github
  • More Info

Nanomesher Pi Air Mon Utility

Monitoring your Air with your Pi , saving the data into a local sqlite database and pushing the data to AIO cloud

Displaying data on AIO Cloud