NanoSound ONE is in store now!
We have just completed our very successful Kickstarter thanks to more than 270 backers! Many backers have thanked us and left us great comments on Kickstarter.
NanoSound One is a Raspberry Pi 4 aluminium closure with a Hi-Fi DAC built in. It turns your Raspberry pi 4 into a ready-to-play High Resolution Network Music Player which can play any audio files. It has an onboard Hi-Fi DAC (Digital Analog Converter) designed for Audiophiles and also supports a large number of music services including Spotify, Web Radio, Qobuz and Tidal.
NanoSound One is now available for sale in Nanomesher store and many more resellers to come.
Available SKUs:
- NanoSound One – Hi-Fi DAC Case
- NanoSound One – Hi-Fi DAC Complete Player
- Argon One / NanoSound One M.2 Extension