Nanomesher ProdBoard - All-in-one Utility Add-on Board for Raspberry Pi
Nanomesher ProdBoard - All-in-one Utility Add-on Board for Raspberry Pi was successfully funded on Kickstarter in September 2017.
This Raspberry Pi Productivity Board in short, ProdBoard, contains essential utilities hardware which helps you with your raspberry pi projects. With most projects, you need input and outputs, ProdBoard combines all of below features with sample codes to aid you with your Raspberry Pi projects development.
- 6 x GPIO Buttons
- 2 x onboard LED
- 3 x i2C Ports for connecting to sensors such as temperature, humidity and pressure sensors
- 1.3" High Contrast OLED display (128 x 96 resolution)
- Nanomesher Power Pi Switch (It's programmable with onboard Attiny85 using the same design as our first Kickstarter project delivered)
- Infrared Receiver with Remote Control included (LIRC compatible)
- Infrared Blaster (LIRC compatible)
- 8 Channel Dip switch to optionally turn off any buttons and LEDs, so the GPIO pins can be spared
- Reusable Raspberry Pi 40pin GPIO Pinout
IOT Weather Kit
You can now use ProdBoard for building an Air monitoring station by using this sensors pack or ready-to-run kit. Installation instructions are here
Button controlling onboard LED
Infrared Remote controlling onboard LED
Smart Power Switch triggering system shutdown and cuts power
To demostrate the usage, these are some projects built using the Pi ProdBoard:
- Weather station Using the onboard i2c ports, a SHT31 temperature & humidity sensor was added.
ProdBoard with SHT31 Temperature & Humidity Sensor added
- Controlling home appliances with IR Blaster (eg. using IRsend command from LIRC package)
Infrared Blaster
Graphics demo and Clock
GPIO Usage
The diagram below indicates the GPIO usages.
- GPIO02, GPIO03 are reserved by i2c
- GPIO04 reserved by power switch off trigger
- GPIO17 reserved by infrared receiver
- All other pins are reusable.
Multimedia Pack
The Mutlimedia Pack include extra button caps and Infrared remote control. LIRC configuration file will be included so that you can map all the buttons to your software which as kodi & volumio.
Prodboard SupportPACKAGES OFFER
Nanomesher ProdBoard
- 6 x GPIO Buttons
- 2 x onboard LED
- 3 x i2C Ports for connecting to sensors such as temperature, humidity and pressure sensors
- 1.3" High Contrast OLED display (128 x 96 resolution)
- Nanomesher Power Pi Switch
- Infrared Receiver with Remote Control included (LIRC compatible)
- Infrared Blaster (LIRC compatible)
- 8 Channel Dip switch to optionally turn off any buttons and LEDs, so the GPIO pins can be spared
- Reusable Raspberry Pi 40pin GPIO Pinout